Umeå Institute of Design - 2nd semester
SILVA´s mobility system is working like a horizontal elevator through the city and offers in that way a completely new experience of commuting and new opportunities for improving deliveries in high dense areas. It offers short to middle long travel without interfering with other infrastructure on the ground.
Trend research
Urbanisation has always been and will also be in the future a constant trend. The densification of living space leads us to live more efficient and sustainable. That also applies to the streets. Upcoming sharing cars systems and autonomous vehicles such as AGVs for delivery have different requirements than cars nowadays and do not need that much space anymore. Streets nowadays are taking over a lot of space in urban areas, which can than be use in an other way.
Current trends show already that streets are gonna be replaced by public spaces and pedestrian areas. This trend will hold on and be strengthened. To enable still mobility in those areas for people and goods we need new solutions.
How will mobility look like in those cities?

Mobility should be integrated in the existing city and get a part of it, which means that it should also not interfere with people and taking them space away, which is already tight. That also applies to the transport of goods., because we still need delivery also goods in those areas . Last but not least sustainable. Not only regarding the environment but also in sense of mental health for people. Such as offering a solution which has also a positive impact on people.

SILVA´s mobility system is working like a horizontal elevator through the city and offers in that way a completely new experience of commuting and new opportunities for improving deliveries in high dense areas. It offers short to middle long travel without interfering with other infrastructure on the ground.

Due to the SILVA network through the city the system offers a completely new experience of commuting and new opportunities for distributing deliveries.

Pillars = "TREES"
The pillars, which are representing trees, are covered by plants which a low grow hight. They are around 8m high and allow you to travel approximately in the hight of trees in the city. It is high enough to not interfere with people or other vehicles, when it needs to cross other streets. Another special feature is that this tree can generate energy by wind, which is used for the watering system of the plants and to power the street lamps, which are mounted underneath.

2 systems - 1 network
The gondolas offer place for 2 passengers, who are in a upright /half sitting position. The interiors is big enough to commute with a wheelchair, baby buggy or a 3rd passenger like a child. The 2 covers on the sides are semi translucent to give a protective feeling but still allow light to get inside, which creates a unique lighting atmosphere at night and allow SILVA to adjust itself the atmosphere of certain areas of the city. The stations are working without influencing the flow of the system. They consist out of 2 layers: The first one for getting in and out at the final destination. The second layer is for picking up other passengers or used by the system to distribute the gondolas on the rail to make it as efficient as possible.
Autonomous delivery will dominate in the next 5-10 years and will deliver up to 80% of all parcels. The biggest part will be covered by AGV (Automated guided vehicles) and lockers. Right now they are in test phase but they will come quite soon. On of the biggest problems of those pods on the right is the speed, especially when they have to cross dense and crowded areas. That can be solved by using the rail system of SILVA. Those special boxes are able to pick up and drop parcel at special stations. Equipped with cooling or heating you could order also a Pizza throw the system. SILVA makes delivery in the future more efficient and sustainable.

Passenger gondola
The gondolas offer place for two passengers, who are in a upright /half sitting position. The interiors is also big enough to commute with a wheelchair, baby buggy or a 3rd passenger like a child. On the right you see the main design theme with two protective covers. The construction of the gondolas should be as simple as possible to offer a high amount of gondolas in the system to make it as efficient as possible. The two covers a semi translucent to give a protective feeling but still allow light to get inside.

Due to the fact that you travel in a closed environment inside the gondola it also allows you to personalise the lighting or the music while commuting.

Since SILVA works like a horizontal elevator, also the interaction is works similar. So you choose your destination in the beginning and you don´t think any more when you need to get out. But it shows you where you are and also attractions where you pass by. In the upper right corner you see also other features like the „follow me“ function, which allows you after sending a request to the other gondola to follow it, which is useful when you travel in a bigger group.

"Tree House"
The "so called treehouse“ is working without influencing the flow of the system. It consists out of 2 layers. The first one for getting in and getting out at the final destination. The second layer is for picking up other passengers or it helps to distribute the gondolas in the system.

(Layer system of the station to not interfere with the flow)
(Gate system of the station to to keep the entry and exit organised)

Autonomous delivery will dominate in the next 5-10 years and will deliver up to 80% of all parcels. As this graphic from McKinsey shows, the biggest part will be covered by AGV (Automated guided vehicles) and lockers. Right now they are in test phase but they will come quite soon. On of the biggest problems of those pods on the right is the speed, especially when they have to cross dense and crowded areas.

Business model
DELIVERY gondola
The delivery gondolas are using the same the rail system as the passenger gondolas, which makes them much faster than AGVs on the ground. SILVA distributes the gondolas in the city network. The last mile is done by the AGVs.
Those special gondolas are able to pick up and drop parcel at special stations and offer also new advertising opportunities for companies by a adjustable screen. Equipped with cooling or heating you could order also a Pizza throw the system.




Final Poster

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